Thursday, March 5, 2015

Going Cold Sheep for 2015

As you can see I have plenty of Stash and I should be able to find nearly anything I would ever need to start another pattern or project. So in order to make room for other items and make use of what's already in here, I'm going Cold Sheep. Yep I said it and I really mean it. I'm even encouraging E to come and shop mom's stash.
This was my original idea for stash.. shouldn't need more room than this...right

This is two containers deep see the other stack peeking out. And there's my quilting frame.

And another stack as you walk in

So far this year I've done very well. I bought two skeins to finish off a project already started and that's it. In fact Chris sent me a message that he had a coupon for 50% off at Micheal's and didn't I need some thing.. I said no. I know, I was even shocked at myself.

Having said all that I am going to Heelside Farms the end of the month and I will leave with a skein or two but that's just supporting your local farmer right? Supposedly I'm going for a dying class but I'm really going to smooze the
 And seriously who can resist this face

And on another note I'd did get the Window Toppers hung in my craft room. I had wanted to curtains but I need all the light I can get, so we compromised. I'm moving some items out, rearranging other things and maybe doing a bit organization, but I'd rather be crafting..

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